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Topic Recycling 1B: Water Scarcity

In my IELTS Topic Lesson 1 I told you more about two environmental problems: Global Warming and Water Scarcity

In this post you will:

  • learn the vocabulary about Water Scarcity that has been used

  • go to a link which will show you how to use this vocabulary in sentences

  • do a reading comprehension quiz on Global Warming

If you don't remember the passage about Water Scarcity, open the link here.


This is a list of vocabulary that you might find difficult. (the words are in alphabetical order. In the pdf file the words are highlighted in yellow)

constantly : always, all the time

consumption: the use of something such as fuel, energy, water, food

crop: a plant grown for food, usually in a farm

desalination: process of removing salt from the seawater and turn it into drinking water

developed countries: rich countries

developing countries: poor countries

disease: illness

drip irrigation: to water plants using a computer

drought-tolerant plants: plants that can live without much water

faucet: water tap

insufficient : not enough

know-how: the knowledge that is necessary to do something

poverty: the state of being poor

sanitation: the systems that supply water and deal with human waste which are related to people’s health

scarce: not enough

scarcity: a situation in which the supply of something is not enough for the people who want it or need it

sustain life: to provide the conditions in which life can happen or exist

the globe: the Earth

wasted: not used effectively

If you want to see how some of these words are used in sentences, follow the link here


When you are confident with the meaning and use of the vocabulary, try the reading comprehension quiz.

Click on "view this study set" in the bottom left hand corner to see all the exercises or click "Choose a Study Mode" in the bottom right hand corner to select.


When you are ready with the vocabulary ... or maybe even before that :) , try the reading comprehension quiz.

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